We had over 2,000 people join our facebook fan page in less then 20 days Thanks to all our readers.


WOW! We are almost at 11,000 FB fans!! After our post to request your help, we had over 2,000 people join our fan page in less then 20 days thanks to all our readers!! We couldn’t do it without our #spoonie gang … you guys are the best. Thank you for inviting your friends and family. Even if someone isn’t dealing with chronic illness, disease, or pain, invite them…. they can join this butyoudontlooksick.com facebook fan page to show support and love for you and what you are going through. Plus all our articles from the main website are re published on the Facebook fan page and we do publish many caregiver articles too. Thank you for fulfilling our dreams of being over 10,000 fans by helping me reach 11,000…. hmmm maybe I have to start dreaming bigger! 🙂 I can’t wait to see what comes next!

  • Ann Fudge

    I am one of the over 2000. This is a wonderful website and cause. I am proud to be here.