September 13th National Celiac Awareness Day

97% of people who suffer from this disease, may not even know they have it. It’s called celiacs disease and September 13th marks National Celiac Awareness Day.

Celiac disease is an autoimmune disease that damages the small intestine and can prevent the absorption of nutrients into the body. Those with celiac must eat a gluten-free diet, meaning no wheat or gluten can be consumed.

Maintaining this type of diet can be challenging as many food products and restaurant items contain wheat or traces of wheat.  There are over 300 symptoms of celiac disease, and it can often be misdiagnosed. A series of tests can be used to confirm whether or not a person is suffering from the disease. If a person who has celiac continues to eat gluten and go untreated, the outcome can be disasterous.

Educate yourself and don’t be afraid to be a label reader or ask how your food is being prepared in restaurants.  Your health depends on it!

  • Kathy Auen

    I have tested positive for the celiac gene. What should I do as far as diet is concerned?