Please take a moment and support our writers!


We love our writers old and new, and would not be the same place without them. Please take a moment to support this site, as well as encourage our writers to write more by commenting on their articles. Hey while your at it share your favorite article LINK (even if it is from years ago) with your friends on twitter, facebook, email, or however else you share things with the world.

Thank you so much, your encouragement means more then you will ever know.


  • Thanks, to you Christine, and all the writers who contribute and play a role in getting out information to us “spoonies.” I am so very lucky that my Dad gave me the article he found in the newspaper about your site, years back. I have learned much and met some wonderful people on BYDLS. Thanks again and keep up the great job that you and your writers do. <3 🙂

  • Jan

    I don’t know what I would do without this site to turn to when days get rough. Thank you to all for sharing their stories and ways to handle these conditions. If I thought I could say anything to help someone else, I would. Jan

  • Sander

    When I read the spoon theory just a few days ago I thought YES this is the way of explaining how a patient with a chronic disease feels like every day.

    Thank you!

  • Kat

    I am new around here , but my man shared the spoon theory with me and he lives by it – I am going to print it out and pass it out to any of the “judges” that comment to him about the “you should do’s”

  • Elaine

    The spoon theory. Finally someone was able to articulate my daily challenge. So grateful. Reading gave me a sigh of relief because there it was…”me”. Thank you!

  • Deb

    every single time i meet a “spoonie” my first question is: Do you read But you dont look sick website ?!?!?! And i send them here FIRST!!!! Its just an unbelievable resource of support and encouragement. I continue to be surprised how many people go through similar things as me… even things that i usually consider trivial. Its such a wonderful feeling to know someone else out there goes through the same thing, the same feelings, trials etc.

    I hope the writers know that every single article is cherished by MANY people out there !!!

  • Iris

    A huge thank you goes out to all of the writers on this wonderful website! Thank you for sharing your personal stories, your honesty, warmth, humor and for just being real! It is amazing to identify with what you are saying and just about all of the time I find myself nodding my head in agreement as I am reading or saying to myself “Wow, there really are other people out there who really get it and understand”. I feel so blessed to have found this website and the fabulous stories, hints, information, encouragement and inspiration that comes from sharing with people who truly understand what invisible chronic illness is all about. When I read everyone else’s stories, it always gives me a lift, and I really know that it’s OK to pace myself and that busier is not always better. I can do simple things that I enjoy and make me happy and not feel guilty that I should be out doing more things or something else, if I am having a bad day. I love sharing the writers’ stories with my family and it truly has helped them understand.
    With gratitude,
    Iris N.

  • Sherylee Harper, Canada

    So many of the stories and information I have found on this site has help me with the chronic health issues I deal with everyday. This is one of my coping mechanisms. I really appreciate the work presented here and share it with my friends. Thank you!

  • I just love this website-it has helped me cope with many of the problems with Lupus. I have brought a great deal of info to our support group also. I try to read it as often as I can. I have even bought a Lupus Sucks sweatshirt. Thank you so much for sharing your stories.I pray for you all

  • Lorna

    I am guilty of being a silent member!

    However I would like to thank all the writers on this site for their articles. The site has provided me with support in those dark, difficult times. A special thank you goes to Christine I have shared the spoon theory with family friends and staff at work so they can have a greater understanding.

    Wonderful site. Hugs Lorna

  • Evie Kolbeck

    My husband has MS, fibromyalgia, and multiple other issues — I am his caregiver. I just want to thank all of you who contribute to this site. You will never know how much support you give to me — the caregiver — through your writings! awesome job — please keep doing what you’re doing!

  • AKAseemedfine

    After a lifetime of trying to ‘Seem’ & be “FINE” and then having Doctors, family and friends humiliate & ridicule me when I tell them I am REALLY too unwell, in great pain that can’t be disguised any longer(or that i can’t; just can’t even walk) & cannot at that moment to go somewhere/do something…. You ladies have given me a an entirely new attitude, A Straw to grasp- KNowing I Am Not ALONE! and have Help and hope….I can send your articles to others- Over and Over if need be! ANd read them over and over for my own strength as well…Thank-you and Bless you, All.
    Sincerely, and with Much gratitude and love- Ms Seemedfine

  • Sylvia

    I am returning member from some yrs ago…now that I HAVE MORE ME time to myself I can communicate once again with the outside world…hope i can write something useful some day soon.

  • Thanks to all writers from this newbie, but especially Christine and Amy-Beth. Understanding and humor are often in short supply for us, but this site is great!

  • Janilee

    Thank you to everyone on this site and the countless others I have found as support. It really helps when it’s 4 am and I can’t sleep because I’m in too much pain.

  • Margarett Meyers

    I am very new to this site, and only read The Spoon Theory just the other day. I think that this way of explaining what we go through is just amazing! I had my boyfriend read it, and he now has a greater understanding of what I go through on a daily basis.
    Although I do not suffer from lupus, I have been suffering with chronic pain for over 12 years and know how it can ravage your entire existence.
    Before I read The Spoon Theory, i wrote an article, Living With Chronic Pain. My article has taken off like a rocket, and is soon going “out into the world.” Between Christine and myself, my hope is that more people will be educated about what we, with invisible illnesses, live with daily.
    I commend Christine on a job excellently done. I can only hope that I have done my job as well.