Did you know that we have a facebook fan page with over 24,000 Fans? Come Join Us!


We have an amazing group of butyoudontlooksick.com fans on Facebook! They really are great, and to make it even better you will get little notes from me (christine) you even will have quick easy access to our new articles etc. PLease take a moment and join us by pressing the “like” button if you haven’t joined us already. Right now we almost have 224,000 fans!!! Amazing.

  • Here is another FB page, for Fibro Warriors, hope to see you there!


  • Here is another FB page, for Fibro Warriors, hope to see you there!

  • Jennifer P.

    I was diagnosed with Eppstein Barr in 1997 when stress from a bad marriage “sent me out of whack”. I went to one doctor who wouldn’t listen to me, then drove crying all the way to my OB-GYN who finally did blood work on me.
    Just like “you don’t look sick”, I don’t THINK about being sick. I forget sometimes that I need to limit myself.
    But on the good days I just overdo and like others takes days to recover. This on top of old injuries, especially a shattered ankle which still has a ‘floating screw’ left. Cooking for hours which I love kills my foot.
    I go through spells taking extra vitamins like I’m supposed to but can’t get them down.
    The best thing for me was regular exercise, something I haven’t had with my schedule for couple of years now and it’s wearing me down.
    It’s hard to be a single parent and give into an illness. Oh yeah, I got divorced so some stress improved, but kids were 1 and 4 at the time. Now they are 13 and 16 and make more mess and don’t want to pick up, imagine that.
    I remember “letting the house go” and still don’t focus on that as my priority, but I can’t stand a mess and filthy house, so just try and keep it reasonable.
    Thanks for knowing others feel the same, just wish my kids and others would remember how things just wipe me out. Others don’t really care enough sometimes.

  • Kathleen

    Having been a patient of some sort for most of my life, it seems as if my problems are FM and RA (plus a host of other things). I have felt such relief from reading bydls comments, postings, etc. There are so many things I can truly relate to. They make me feel as if it’s not just me~that maybe I’m not crazy! Thanks so much for being there.