Sick Humor: The top ten worst suggestions commonly given to someone with a chronic illness


Sometimes you just gotta have a sense of humor!

The top ten worst suggestions commonly given to someone with a chronic illness:
1)Have you tried holistic options? (many. I’ll bring it back up with my doctor on my next visit, thanks.)
2) Could it be your stress? (My opinion is, it is my illness. I’ll bring it up with my doctor though, thanks.)
3) Could it have to do with the altitude? (I’ll bring it up with my doctor…thanks.)
4) I read in {insert any generic magazine here} about a new medication. Have you heard about it? (I was on it when it came out 17 years ago. but I’ll bring it up with my doctor. thank you.)
5) Have you thought about being in a trial study? (I’ll ask my doctor. thanks?)
6) WOW. If I were you, I don’t know what I would do. I might just kill myself. (Thanks?)
7) Have they found what is causing the problem? (no. my doctor is an idiot. I’ll remind him, thanks!)
8) Have you tried hypnosis? (I’m still sick, but when the phone rings I bark like a dog.)
9) Have you googled your illness? (….no! thanks!)
10 Have you ever thought you were getting sick because you haven’t wrapped your house in aluminum foil because, you know, the aliens have been bugging our houses for the past 30 years and in some cases, making people really sick. I read on…..gee I lost the web site. but it’s true! I heard it from Sally’s cousin’s sister-in- law. And then every time you use deodorant you would think you would be warding off these bugging rays, but it still makes it worse, so you are not being pro-active to your health by wearing that deodorant. I can’t believe you! If you wanted to get better you would stop wearing deodorant..(voice gets fainter and fainter the further you just walk away.) THANKS!!!!!!!!!!
Article written by Amy-Beth Maran , © 2007

  • Tammy

    Oh, Lord! I would be rolling in the floor laughing if I knew I’d be able to get back up! I have honestly heard 90% of these. I have fibromyalgia, dysautonomia, degenerative disc disease, two benign spinal tumors (one is a vertebral hemangioma, the other is epidural lipomatosis), neuropathy in my legs and depression (of course!). My favorites come from my aunt. “I wish you’d just start walking with me every day. It would help you stretch those muscles and get your blood flowing. You would feel SO much better”. “Have you thought about joining a gym? If you’d just strengthen your muscles, that would take away a lot of your problems”. And, the ever popular….”Honey, look at all the medicine you’re taking. Of course you feel bad! It’s all those side effects! If you’d just wean yourself off of your medicine, you would probably see a world of difference!”. LMAO I wish a good belly laugh and ten extra spoons to all of you today! 🙂

  • DE


  • my mother always says “people in Darfur have it worse off than you, so quitcher bitchin” if I mention a bad MS day

  • Jenine

    As I’m going in for a CT scan to rule out any other causes (last resort by my doctor) the tech tells me “Oh well you’re in university, and that’s very stressful. You really should go find a good support group, or a therapist even. They have free ones at the university, they’re really good I hear! Here, I’ll go get you the contact information…” Lady… my doctor sent me for a CT… don’t you think she ruled out stress and depression first? And when did you get your MD or PhD to diagnose me with depression?

  • Jenny H

    I love the….you’ve put on weight(well steroids do have that nasty side effect) followed by the inevitable… should watch what you eat and exercise,it’ll go away.(here…you take the freaking meds for 6 months and then try to get back to a size 7 in 3 weeks…..:p)

  • Leila

    I tend to get a lot of “but if you can go on the internet, why can’t you work in an office” stuff from even my family. Me spending five minutes here or there, doing nothing more strenuous than reading is a lot different than an eight hour day. I can’t sit for that long without hip pain.

    I’m also get lose weight comments. Yeah, walking more than five minutes makes me limp and more than twenty usually sets off a fibro attack.

    I also get “if you’re home all day, why isn’t the house spotless” Well, if I tried, I wouldn’t be able to move or function. So, no.

  • Denise

    I have a degenerative neurological thing going on, and this is what I get:
    “You are stressed.” DUH.
    “Oh that’s just what happens when you get old.” I’m not even 40 yet!

    The worst was walking with a friend on campus (I have returned to college) and telling her how frustrating it was for people to tell me how to eat better – “grow your own vegetables! Don’t buy pre-prepared meals!” when I can barely stand or hold a pencil. Two paces ahead of us a lady STOPS, waits for us to catch up and starts in on this special diet that I should do, preparing the food myself. I was dumbfounded. If she could eavesdrop on my conversation, could she have caught the bit about me hating when people did what she was doing at that very moment?

  • iris

    Just the other day when I was at my Rhuematologist’s, I was seen by an RN first, which was never the case before, I suppose they’re changing their practice a bit. She asked me what the reason for my appointment was and I told her that I had some questions for the *doctor* regarding changing a few things around. She looked at my chart, the films of my bilateral hip displaysia and my having POTS, Fibro, EDS and the hip dysplasia and literally said to me, who is unable to walk further than a couple feet without severe shaking in my legs, looked me straight in the face and said “well, EDS isn’t a debilitating disease.”. Then proceeded to make me go through an entire exam for EDS as well as Fibro. If you are a medical professional, even if you think something like that, you keep your mouth shut. There are types of hypermobility syndromes that do not cause pain, and then there’s what I have, in combination with everything else. After her “exam” she stated that she would go “track down” my doctor for me. Two hours later he walked in, unaware that I had been there for so long.

  • water39

    “wow your SOOOO lucky that you only have school twice a week” yeah its just wonderful!!

    “OMG you are sooo lucky you only have 2 exams for school”

    “Everything you are experiencing is psychological” thanks for that.

    “….. Yeah i get that too, I must have what you have”

    “You need to stop all medication for 3 months, and then we will see how you feel” Yeah cause thats all very well for you to say.

    “you need to go back to school full time, and then everything will just ‘Go Away’ “…..yeah cause being at school fulltime will reduce my ICP , and take away the tiredness etc. GRRRR!!

  • mandymess

    as funny as it might seem, i’ve tryed most of peoples stupid suggestions. lol eat better, lose weight, try herbal stuff, acupuncture cures all, u name it i tryed. and i must say, besides my multitude of scripts, the suggestion of having sex more is the only one that kinda works. or at least puts me n a better mood to want to get up and do laundry or take a shower after 3 or 4 days. lol go figure

  • I was told by an incompetent doctor that “you can’t hurt every where, pick a spot” and that I just needed to get off of the couch.

    At the time I worked at an animal shelter and couch time was a treat.

    The first time I used my handicapped parking placard some woman came storming up to me and said “You don’t look sick!!!” to which I said “Funny, you don’t LOOK stupid.”

    Thanks for the laughs – tho’ I wouldn’t wish this crap on anyone it is nice to know we aren’t alone.

  • If I got the, “I’m so tired; I think I have what you have,” comment, I would seriously have to refrain from punching someone in the face. 🙂 🙂
    Exercise more–Okay, and are you volunteering to take me to the pool three times a week since I can’t drive?
    Eat healthier–Okay, what do I eat when I can’t swallow anything without difficulty, have kidney stones galore and have celiac disease? Would you like to go to the store and then help me prepare the limited stuff I can eat right now?
    If you weren’t taking all those meds… –Let’s see, would I rather live with depression, in excruciating pain, be unable to breathe, have seizures, etc……or maybe I’ll just keep taking my meds. Oh, and does that mean that, if I stop taking my meds, you’ll take me to the hospital at ungodly hours because of these problems that my meds help to control?
    If you would focus on something else–yep, that’s why I’m going to school to become a mental health professional…that’s not helping others. LOL! Oh yeah, and did I mention how school takes way more out of me than I have?

    Yeah, thanks for allowing the gripe session! It was really helpful to read this article and these comments…I know I’m not alone. People think I’m weird when I say that my blindness is the easiest of the seven chronic conditions I have to deal with. *gentle hugs to all the spoonies out there*


  • Sandy Berding

    One I heard at my sisters wedding.

    “Fibromyalgia? Oh I had that. I got a pill over the internet and I’m cured.” So I asked her what was the name of this miricle pill. She looked even more stupid and said, “I don’t remember.”

    I’ve been on the internet since it was a black board with only words. I think by now I would have found this miiricle pill.
    There is no miricle cure, if there was don’t you think the Dr’s would have heard of it by now?

    Another one I’m tired of, My grown son says.
    “Get out more. Anyone would feel bad if they just sat at home all the time..”
    I get out as much as I can. Wish it could get out more. Come and visit more often and you would know.

  • Michelle

    In response to mortadella1985
    Kind of off topic but: I have eczema and a friend in high school was forbidden from being around me when her mother found out because she (the mom) was convinced I’d give my friend eczema… That was really annoying.

    I have heard a lot of these. The one I run into most is “Have you ever thought it’s because you’re on too many medications?” after I just explained that I take each medication for a specific reason and all of my problems started BEFORE taking the medications and that without some of them I could DIE. Thanks, I’ll just stop them all now and see how it goes.

    I have exercise induced asthma. It first started developing in high school and it wasn’t very severe but it was very persistent (I got so used to being short of breath I didn’t even realize it was getting worse until I had a bad asthma attack and the medication that fixed it made me realize that I hadn’t been breathing right for over 3 years). Anyway, I started developing a whole bunch of other things in high school too. My parents’ favorite thing to tell me was “You just need to exercise more” closely followed by “It’s all in your head” and “You’re just being rebellious” (WTF?? rebellious??)

  • Jay

    “can’t you find a doctor closer to you? It must be expensive to keep traveling for medical help!”

    (after plowing through 6 “specialists” in 5 years and getting nowhere…. and now FINALLY getting some pain relief from someone wonderful!)

  • pugglemomma

    Glad I found this list and replies…I needed a good laugh today! I have heard SO MANY of these!!!!

  • Mortadella1985

    This is actually a funny lupus story. My mother who is a travel agent had some clients come in to book a trip with her. She suggested they might like Hawaii. “oh no” they said “our friend just came back from Hawaii and he got terribly sick down there” so my mom said oh im sorry to hear that what happened. the clients replied “Oh he caught lupus while he was down there”(meanwhile me,her daughter is trying to get an autoimmune diagnosis) My mom tried telling them “lupus is not contagious, you cant catch it” but no no no they were dead set convinced that there friend “caught” lupus while in Hawaii. Everyone in my moms office burst out laughing when they left, like how stupid can people be!!!!

  • Debbie

    Thank you so much for making my day! these are great and I have also heard most of them but usually just looked away in disgust but now I will have answers to all “good intentioned” idiots out there. My favorite one for me was as I’m laying on a gurney in the emergency room with my heart monitor all over the place and my blood pressure so low it was setting off the alarms and having gone in there in the first place for gaining 10lbs of water weight overnight, the doctor came in and said “Gee, you don’t look sick” his dx was to push more fluids with an IV, I called him out on it and he didn’t know what to do after that, I guess he was just stunned that a lay person knew more then he did, I loved the look of surprise on his face and I was laughing inside the whole time, made my day. After that I refused treatment and left the ER vowing to never go back.

  • Mara

    I’ve heard just about every one of these comments because of my depression (later correctly diagnosed as Bipolar II). But the most infuriating one of all came from my dear brother, who told me my depression would just disappear if I simply had sex.

    He’d been reading Wilhelm Reich at the time, and Reich’s basic philosophy seems to have been “every problem people have is because they don’t have sex.”

  • KimB

    Oh yes, the supplements. The company that sells this one for a mere $160/month but the full program is only $900 and cures (CURES!) people ALL OF THE TIME!!!!!

    Or calcium. Drink more milk. Give up dairy. Go vegan. Eat more fish. Don’t cook your foods. (uh huh). Don’t use plastics of any kind. Don’t eat anything you didn’t grow yourself. (Uh, yeah.) Do pot. Don’t take any meds of any kind. Have they checked you for (name whatever disease Oprah, or Dr. Phil or Dr. Oz talked about that day)? No dairy. No wheat. No corn. etc., etc., etc.

    Work. Don’t work. Walk more. Walk less. Swim. Don’t swim. Never overexert yourself. Do what you want to do. Rebuke your illness as from the DEVIL. It’s God’s will.

    Yes. Thank you for your thoughts. I will give them the consideration they are due.

  • Samantha

    By the age of 2 I was complaining of “bone pain” and the doctors continued to say until the age of 28 that it was just growing pains and I should take some tylenol. Right, growing pains cause a 2 year old to have heavy bruising when you gently touch her, and cause her to scream in misery because her bones hurt…. sigh. Oh and the doctors who said I needed to loose weight, or that I was depressed, a hypochondriac, or just plain lazy. The fact that I would get the flu multiple times a year and bronchitis multiple times, and that I had chicken pox 5 times???? Eh, it could happen to anyone. Finally at the age of 28 I found a doctor who would listen to me and diagnosed me with Rheumatoid Arthritis. Really wish I could go back to all those doctors and beat them up with a baseball bat and then tell them they just have growing pains and to take tylenol. Yep, that would make me happy.

  • Chelle

    I personally like, “if you didn’t take so many tablets and you got so more excercise you would be fine”. Fabulous, you’ve solved it Doctors have been trained for years but you have really hit the nail on the head. The fact that with FM you kind of need a certain amount of painkillers just to get out of bed in the morning let alone the 20 mile hike up the closest mountain is something they must have missed in the school of medicine you trained at.

  • Cathy

    “I don’t mean to scare you (then don’t) but the mother of a friend of mine barricaded herself in the house and had a shoot-out with the cops. They said that it was because lupus had attacked her brain and the steroids made it worse!” Hmm, uh, thanks? (I was on 40 mgs. of pred a day at the time.) “They say antibiotics can treat it over the long run”. “Have you thought about giving up your cats?” (No, they make more sense than people because they can’t talk.) “Don’t let her sit in my seat, I might catch it.” – Stated by the safety director of a major corporation.

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  • Mary

    I didnt see this one, but if I repeat, I apologize now.

    There is nothing wrong with you. You are just lazy! (Lazy? I live with three grandchildren between the ages of 10 and 13)

  • Jackie

    These are great! Being a “newbie” RA’er I now have an arsinal of whitty come backs from all of you! My boss (I am a secretary) will say “Can you type this with your “finger thingy”?” Or, “Why do you have an ice pack on your ankle?” Could be the golf ball size swollen bump on my ankle, whatda think?
    I have heard from my mother-in-love “I just had to call you! Did you see the pill you take once a month for RA? You should get on it!” Yeah, I’ll call my doctor! Then I can get off the steriods, stop having a “moon face” and why do people have to comment? “Did you know your face is really swollen?” And here all this time I thought my butt was my biggest asset! hee hee!! : ) And off the low does chemo, and the Humira shots. One pill a month! A RA’ers dream! I needed these giggles!!! Thanks everyone!!! : )

  • Ivy

    One of my favorites is, “You’re not trying hard enough. You just have to hop out of bed every morning and face the day.”

    Not. Trying. Hard. Enough.


    Another one: “It’s probably yeast.”

    ??? ooookay.

  • Jillie

    The “you really need to lose weight” comment cracks me up. Let’s see… I gained the weight in the first place because of the meds you put me on to help with my psychiatric illness… and now I’ll feel better if I lose weight?? How exactly does that work???

  • Dawnzerlylite

    Love all the comments! How about when defending why you can’t work, hearing back, “What do you do all day?” or “I bet you can do more than you think you can! You need more confidence!”… or hearing a lame attempt at an inspiring story about how someone else they know lost their leg or something & still can work. I deal daily with the “brain fog” of cognitive impairment, so people just don’t understand how limiting that is.

  • Crystal

    Don’t forget “You should stop eating all that processed food, the chemicals are bad for you” as that person is chowing down on some mystery meal. I’ve almost always eating everything made from scratch and even more so when my mom was told to cut back on salt when I was in HS long before I got sick.
    And my mom being told by a family friend who clams she is her best friend that “I am nothing but a spoiled brat who wants attention and I’m not really sick”. Needless to say it was one of the last straws and that friendship is over.


    I just adore the coments! Lord knows I need a laugh. My
    latest favorite came from my husband who says” if I would just
    stop resting so much i would have more energy”…Ok then!!

  • michelle

    My all time fav is when I go to the dr she always says, but you look good………………..

  • Agave

    A bit off the subject, but in the vein of Glinda’s comment:

    A co-worker was admiring my personal handicapped space inside the plant and its amazing proximity to my work area. I’ve got a degenerative lung disease, and look pretty good, even with my sweet pink walker!

    This co-worker says to me, “you get to park here everyday? Wow, you’re so lucky!”

    You just have to take it all in the manner it’s meant, smile on and in this case, I had to agree.

  • Glinda-GoodWitch

    I love reading these “helpful suggestions” people have offered! My favorite is when someone says “Well, there are people that are worse off than you.” I realize that…but that doesn’t make MY pain any less! Is that really suppose to guilt you into feeling better?
    I also have had a couple of people say “It must suck to be you” but at least they believed that I was in real pain and showed sympathy for the struggles I face each day.

    Thanks to everyone who shares some humor…that’s what keeps me going!

  • Pascale-Sara

    I grew up with: -‘It’s all in your head, stop telling yourself stories’, after I had my first child it was: -‘It’s postpartum, just get over it’. When I suddenly lost over 60lbs and hard, painful lumps appeared on my ankles the doctor said: -‘ You know dear, sometimes when you loose a lot of weight you discover bones that you did not know you have’ and to add to this, while hospitalized, the “big cheese” said to me: -‘It’s the stress of your family situation’.
    So my dear comrades, I guess that I could have my personal 5 best with this wonderful last statement from my then husband: -‘You are damage goods… my punishment’.

    I have a rare kind of Crohn’s, the kind that took 26 years to diagnosed and that took 10 years to get under control.
    In my new life, with competent doctors and loving new husband, I am a force to be recon-with!
    I love to accompany friends, family and anybody that needs a voice during complicated doctor’s appointments.
    I am waiting for the day an idiot doctor will say a phrase like: -‘You are too pretty to be sick!!’

  • i liked it when, after someone had spent a day and a half with me, they determined that there was nothing wrong me and that i must be a hypochondriac for taking so many pills. “wow – you are so right – let’s call my doctor right now and tell her you figured it all out.”

  • Dawn

    Today from an acquaintance:”Well you are gaining weight really fast so you need to go on some kind of high protein diet” My reply “Well since the weight gain is from high dose steroids and they are necessary to treat enlargement of my spleen I think a high protein diet may not help.”That lead to a long lecture about the danger of using steroids as if I am buying the off the street. I ended the conversation by saying “look the steroids lower my immunity and so I should get away from you before I catch your stupidity.”

  • Rachel

    “It’s just hormones.”

    I got that all the time as an adolescent with fibro. Thanks a bunch! I was only tired and hurting before, now I’m embarrassed too!

  • Syler Womack

    Milissa wrote: “You just need to lose some weight.”

    I KNOW, RIGHT? And then they carry it further: “It’s a shame, because you have such a pretty face!”

    YES! ISN’T THAT SAD? It’s so unfair! I’m fat and I hurt all the time! It’s a shame I’m not really ugly too!



  • Syler Womack

    I like: Maybe you should try volunteer work! Sometimes if you think more about other people…

    So see, I’m not just fat, grumpy and lazy—I’m also incredibly selfish! LOL…

    The thing is, I know that people really and truly mean well…Isn’t that pitiful?

  • Dawn

    another one “It’s the hormones in meat.If you eat hormone free,free range meat you will get 100% better” I am a vegetarian and have been since before my diagnosis,but thanks for the input!

  • Millissa

    I’m also a fan of…You just need to lose some weight. 🙂

  • Deb Maure

    My worst suggestion came from my family doctor. He suggested that I could go get myself a stationary bicycle to deal with my weak legs. I told him no, that wasn’t going to help since my weakness was getting so bad I had a real fear of falling when going down stairs and had to hang on to the railings on both sides for safety. I have since been diagnosed with Lambert Eaton Myasthenic Syndrome, a neuro muscular autoimmune disease in which the communication between nerves and muscles is hampered by antibodies. Stationary bike! Nice!

  • JuliePatoutie

    Another great one:

    “A positive attitude can make any illness go away for good!”

    You mean… a solution to all the worlds problems and medical mysteries can all be solved by a positivie attitude? Wow… you should be a doctor because your so smart! ( notice the sarcasm…)

  • Raindance

    You forgot, “It’s all in your head, your probably just depressed.”

  • Perneita

    My favorite worst suggestion: “Be grateful you are alive. God has a reason for everything”! Then, when I suggest we trade places for 48 hours…the shear terror on their face is worth any words I can muster up! Being alive and living are on opposite ends of the spectrum…..LOL

  • LOL to all of these but you forgot to include the one I loathe the most:

    “You should get out and take long walks, exercise more and it’ll all go away.” (Between scoliosis and leg length difference, that advice inevitably brings on six weeks of bedrest when I’m stupid enough to try it.)

  • Shauna Pope

    I am enjoying your site…love the top 10! Now I am going to add one to your list…Have you tried supplements? I am an RN and our family is getting incredible results with some health issues. My husband has been able to go off of reflux medication that he has been on for 12 yrs…my migraines are a thing of the past, and my little girl no longer suffers with weekly abdominal pain. In addition, we have been ill one time since August…we are a family of 6 so that has been a huge blessing. Let me know if you would like more info…Have a blessed Easter! 🙂

  • I suffer from bipolar disorder and the only thing that is missing on this list is the suggestion that “Don’t you think you’re a victim of the medical conspiracy?” Otherwise, I’ve heard all of these, too.

  • julie mraz

    The first Rheumatologist we ever went to when my husbands asked “what could be wrong with her” the doc replied with ” well the only way we will truly know is through an autopsy” I was devastated !