Sick Humor: Diary of a Mad Spoon Woman


I truly believe laughter is the best medicine…well as far as free medicines go.  I totally have a lunch sack full of pills that can give generic laughter a good ol’ fashioned run for its money, but nothing beats a laugh.  I’m not talking about the quiet snickers with your hand over your mouth because you don’t want to be caught laughing at a dirty joke type of laugh.  I’m talking the full out, snort till you choke, high pitched belly laugh.  I have always maintained that the life of a person with a chronic illness should be made into a sitcom just for the simple fact that the randomness could out-random even the quirkiest episode of Seinfeld.  I have a ton of non-sick friends shake their heads at me and say, “You’re making that stuff up, there’s no way that really happens to you.”  Folks, you can’t make this stuff up.  Nothing is funnier than the ins and outs of daily life and I am here to prove it to you.  Don’t believe me?  Read on.  Here is the honest truth, torn from the pages of a Spoonie’s personal day planner.  I won’t say who.  It’s not me.  It’s a friend.  A friend that looks a whole lot like me, but isn’t me. Ok, so yeah, she has kids and is from the south, but nope…not me.  Completely not me.  All names, dates and places have been changed to protect the innocent….definitely none of which are me.

 Monday – 6:00am

The alarm went off early this morning. I assume I was supposed to get up.  I didn’t.  The alarm went off again.  Now I’m late.  Getting up to shower was fun.  As I lifted my head off of the pillow, it felt funny.  Not funny, “haha”…although that came a few minutes later.  It was funny like, “hmmm, I wonder if I accidentally swallowed some radioactive plutonium in my sleep.”  Body was stiff, as usual, so I hobbled over to the bathroom mirror like the genetically mutated offspring of Egor, fingers cramped in a perpetual claw.  Ah-ha.  Examined my face in the mirror and realized that I had fallen asleep on my rice sock.  Yep, nothing says comfort like microwaved uncooked rice tied up in a sock that’s been places I don’t even want to think about.  In my quest for pain recovery, I took a nice big cheek flop in the middle of the night onto said rice sock.  I just shook my head as I stared at the small rice sized craters deeply ingrained into my left cheek.  Great.  This was going to look attractive for my afternoon meeting.  Oh , sure, I’d be all set if I was filming a Proactive commercial, but for a room full of business suits…not so much.  I might as well had just fallen asleep with my forehead on the back of my hand that imprinted the bar stamp from the night before.  That is, if I could stay awake past 10pm to actually go to a bar.  Oh well.  Time to go to work.  I have deadlines.  I’m pretty sure I have a few of them. I wrote them down so I would remember them.  If only I could remember what I wrote them on.

 Monday – 9:45am

Yay, went to the rheumatologist this morning…or was it the pulmonologist?  Wait, it may have been the cardiologist.  Oh well, it was an ‘ologist and I paid someone a $30 co-pay for the eighth time this month.  It was fun getting dressed this morning.  Meds weren’t working well enough last week so I got pumped full of more steroids or as I like to call them, Satan’s Tic-Tacs.  Didn’t sleep last night…tossed and turned and found myself at 3am, in the kitchen eating a slice of ham in one hand and a spoon full of peanut butter in the other.  Steroid nomming is no joke.  I’m guessing that between carrying enough water weight to fill up a baby pool and my desire to turn my kitchen counter into a 24 hour all-you-can-eat buffet, I may have repacked the junk in my trunk.  I know this because my jeans didn’t fit.  Oh, I got them buttoned alright. I laid down on the bed, held my breath and zipped them up with a coat hanger.  I just wish I knew how to tuck the top of the muffin back into the cupcake liner.  Pretty much waddled myself right into the waiting room and followed the nurse into the triage area.  She pointed to the scale.  I looked at her like she had just told me to walk barefooted on a tightrope over a tank of starved piranhas.  She asked me if I was feeling slightly edgy.  Is that like being slightly pregnant?  Either way she wasn’t getting me on that thing if she valued her hair being attached to hear head.

 Monday – 11:05 am

Doctor appointment is done with four new prescriptions and strict instructions to get more rest. I took my slips of paper and repeatedly pushed the elevator button.  I stared at my reflection in the mirrored elevator door and reached out a hand to smooth down the grease pit that once resembled hair.  I had just thrown it in a ponytail.  I woke up late…no time to wash it, so I get to walk around looking like I dipped my head in a fast food deep fryer. I drove to the pharmacy and made my displeasure at the five-person deep line known by a very dramatic sigh.  Within minutes, the pharmacist waved me over and called me by name, telling me that my anti-depressants and MiraLax were ready.  Super.  Now the entire line thinks I’m depressed and constipated. I threw a few dollars down and attempted to run like a bat out of hell to the car. I say attempted, because the initial full out run popped an already squishy kneecap and almost sent me sprawling out in front of the greeting card display.  I would’ve looked but I don’t think Hallmark makes a “sorry you were mortified at the pharmacy counter then completely bit it on the way out” card.  Finally…I hid out in the car and looked lovingly at my newly acquired pain meds.  Holding the bottle in my hands, I read the label…. “Take one pill twice daily by mouth”.  Who was the patient who prompted such detailed instructions?  Did someone actually take one pill and then hack it up before it dissolved to take it again later?  Apparently it was the same guy who designed child proof bottles.  Twist and turn.  Sounds simple.  It’s not.  I prefer my way of beating the bottle against the steering wheel until the top flies off and a rain shower of narco-skittles lands in my lap.  Good times.

 Monday – 2:52pm

Finally back at work with a swollen knee and random pain pills lodged down my shirt.  No time to care…time for the meeting.  After sitting down, I noticed too late I had forgotten my daily 7th cup of liquid energy (aka Diet Coke).  This should be fun.  There’s nothing more entertaining than hearing about market shares and trend ratios when all you want to do is climb up on the table and nap for the duration.  Talk, talk, talk, talk…  Pretty soon I had tuned out.  I didn’t mean to, but brain fog coupled with a recurring battle with selective ADD tends to result in….ohhhh shiny thing!  As the presentation melted into one continuous emergency broadcast siren, I realized that I left my cell phone in my office.  Did the medication alarm go off already?  Did I take my afternoon dose?  Where did that random bruise on my wrist come from?  Was it there this morning?  I don’t think so.  Wow, all three toes on my right foot just went numb…hope there’s not a fire anytime soon, don’t think walking would happen right now.  Wonder if anyone here would care enough to carry me out or if they’d just hurdle over me as they ran towards the exit? It was at this time that I realized the entire room had gone silent and every eye was turned in my direction.  Instinctively I knew I had just been asked a question, of which I couldn’t have told you what it was if I had a tranquilizer gun to my head.  I had to say something….say anything….a good solid, standard answer.  “Of course I do…I’m a team player.”  The room remained freakishly silent.  It wouldn’t be until later that I realized I had been asked, “Do you intentionally try to break the copier by overloading it with 4 color printing…”  I totally need to an online concentration skill seminar.  Moral of the story….caffeine is non-negotiable.

 Monday – 5:30pm

Mercifully the day ended on a high note…I found my car in the parking lot.  This was an achievement worthy of a ticker tape parade considering I normally wander around hitting the panic button on my key ring, hoping it leads me to my car before someone calls the police.  I felt quite smug and proud of myself as I turned up the radio and sang along with the song playing as I began the hour drive home from work.  Unfortunately, two things happened simultaneously:  I stopped mid-way through the second verse of “Girls Just Wanna Have Fun” with a complete brain block of what came next and I had absolutely no clue where in the hell I was driving to.  Blankness.  I might as well have been driving in the Serengeti desert.  Right, left, forward, reverse…I had no clue where I was, however the abundance of liquor and gun stores gave me a pretty good indication that I had taken a wrong turn at Albuquerque.  Thankfully, my trusty GPS pointed the way and delivered me safely to my home with just a minimal outbursts of the four-letter variety.  I dare anyone to tell me that brain fog isn’t real.  I would totally give them a piece of my mind if I could remember their name.

Monday – 8:27pm

My supply of spoons was running dangerously low and my body was beginning to ache like I had just been hit by a semi-truck, run over by a couple 4×4’s, drug down the asphalt then left for dead on the side of the highway like autoimmune road kill.  So, I did what every champion of chronic illness would do.  That’s right…I vacuumed.  I hope you’re all getting the blatant sarcasm there.  I vacuumed, I put away laundry and I washed dishes. Because every spoonie knows that when you have a shortage, the most obvious thing to do is waste the few remaining spoons on domestic manual labor.  After the Danny Tanner-esque mopping frenzy, it was all I could do to just pull on some pajamas.  Snow man pajama top and Elmo fleece pants….why not?  The entire day had been brutal and I didn’t care that I had about as much chance of being asked to headline the next Victoria’s Secret runway show in that outfit as I did becoming the first Spoonie in outer space.  I’m bringing sexy back ya’ll.

 Monday – 10:04pm

Finally collapsed into bed and let the day finally wind down to a screeching halt. Watched the last little bit of Grey’s Anatomy that I had DVR’d before the sleep meds took me away to my happy place, which ironically isn’t Starbuck’s as I initially suspected.  I’m actually not really a huge fan of Grey’s Anatomy.  McDreamy doesn’t do a thing for me but make me remember the horribly bad cheesetastic 80’s movies that Patrick Dempsey inflicted upon my impressionable teenage self.  I watch hospital ER dramas for two reasons.  One…I can identify with the guy who has been sitting in the Seattle Grace emergency waiting room for so long that he goes completely one taco short of a fiesta platter and punches Dr. Yang right in the face.  Who hasn’t wanted to do that? Secondly, medical dramas are the only shows that I can watch and completely understand all the techno terminology that is thrown around like the actors actually know what they’re talking about.  Pulmonary embolism?  Been there done that.  Arterial blood pulse oximetry?  Nothing like having a sewing needle shoved into your wrist until it comes out the other side. Infusion with some new sadistic form of chemotherapy?  Pop on an iPod and it gives new meaning to “pole dancing”.  It’s all medical jargon that makes those of us with chronic illnesses, for all intents and purposes, bilingual.  I found myself yelling at the TV screen that it was not symptoms of a heart attack, and that a simple chest x-ray would verify that the patient had pleurisy.  I remember thinking that Spoonies would make excellent technical advisors on these types of shows as the meds suddenly did their thing and transported me to that coveted Narnian land called, sleep.

The day was over and there is no predicting what new adventures are waiting for me tomorrow.  No two days are ever exactly the same and I never know if I’m going to wake up with a spoon shortage, surplus or just enough to get my car in the driveway at 5pm. Just once, I’d like one of those “boring, dull days” that I hear so many people complain about.  What a refreshing change of pace it would be to have my biggest worry be where I was eating lunch that day.

Oh…and for the record….I finished Grey’s Anatomy the next night.  It was pleurisy.  Stick that in your juice box and suck it, McDreamy.


Article written by Senior Editor, Stephanie Kennedy.

Stephanie lives in Fayetteville, NC and is the mother of 3 always hyperactive and occasionally adorable children. She was diagnosed with SLE in 2001 and in the time since, has added Scleroderma, Hashimoto and Celiac disease. In her day-to-day life she is a Community Relations Specialist (aka, marketing and creative hodgepodge facilitator) and a part-time blogging snarkzilla.  She can always be found somewhere in social media-land causing some sort of trouble.  Find her on twitter at @steph_in_nc or on facebook at Stephanie Welborn Kennedy.
  • Andieemt

    My youngest son is in full laughing mode as I read this whole article to him.

    As he lives everyday with complex multiple chronic illnesses.

    Thank you so much for this humor, he needs it once in a while. 

  • Jessa

    Completely associated. The number of illnesses both physical and psychological that I deal with on a daily basis, and chronic pain; people think im insane (so do i) given the stories that come out of it; the days with 5 hours of lectures and tutorials and 9 doctors appointments. Im 19, so I cant wait to see what the rest of it will be like, but I bet it will make a great book XD.
    I will definitely be following you on twitter.

  • Lois

    Oh my goodness! I, too, Have had those days! I love the sarcasm and humor thrown in..It made me laugh til I cried. Thank you so much!!

  • Lea

    I love your pieces, and identify so much. I have written small bits like this, but nothing well written and funny. I used to do a lot of the same thing watching House! I have Sjogren’s, CFS, Fibro, some other stuff I can’t remember right now.

  • Marsha

    THANK YOU!!! I soo needed that laugh right now. I can so relate to the whole “satan’s Tic tac’s”! lol I warn my family at least once every nite that I am starting to feel the steroid rage and it would be a good time to listen and behave!! At least we can all laugh along together. Don’t know about anyone else, but I get so aggravated listening to people WHINE about their symptoms on shows like Mystery Diagnosis. I’m usually like yeah, been there done that….DEAL WITH IT! lol We spoonies could definately right a show or two.

  • by the way – where’d I leave my car?

  • I laughed til I fell out of my chair and my family laughed at me!

  • This is hilarious.. maybe because I can relate in so many ways, maybe because it’s the “typical” type day here.. Not sure, but I love the funny spin you put on it. It’s funny because when I tell people what my day is like they are always “Are you serious?”.. We can NOT make this stuff up people..!!

  • I just found this site today. I have lupus and have had for 18 years myself. I am not 32. Thank you so much for writing about the struggles we all go through. My favorite line was … “Meds weren’t working well enough last week so I got pumped full of more steroids or as I like to call them, Satan’s Tic-Tacs” That just got me to the core. So glad I found this site and the fact that it helps me feel like I am not alone.

  • WOW that was HILARIOUS!

    I died laughing!

    Newly diagnosed Lupus spoonie here since last week. Love the site and love the article. Dead on!

    Go SPOONIES! 🙂

  • Steph

    You all make me smile.


    Thank you.

  • Barbara Morris

    This is absolutely fabulous!
    I was wiping my eyes from belly laughs and then wiping my eyes from compassion…
    I don’t need pity, or want to discuss my pain or disability issues again…unless I could find an MD in this smallish town who has a clue.
    Laughter and singing are two things that always transcend this new body of mine and its degeneration.
    I’m blessed to have many friends that get it…as I am to know there are others like you on this strange journey.
    Other friends have gone by the wayside…I can’t keep up – they can’t “get it”, and I don’t want to be a pain in the hindquarters to them. My new life-style is enough of a pain.
    And that is how it should be…some are in our life for a season, for a reason.
    We just never know what season it’s going to be the next day…
    Here’s to old friends who get it! Here’s to new friends!
    Barbara Morris
    (Volunteer Musician/Teacher/Worship Leader, Degenerative neck discs/joints, Fibromyalgia (with Fog & Nausea), Chronic sinusitis, Ocular Migraine, Abdominal Adhesions, now Diabetic,…Friend)

  • Steph

    Hahahahaha! I love the t-shirt idea, Diane!!

  • Diane

    Love it! Especially the brain-fogged ability to get lost. I live in a tiny little town in northern AZ, so small that it is only 3 miles to drive all the way around it and back to the highway. The main street is literally a circle that begins at one highway exit and ends at another highway exit about a mile from the first. And I get lost all the time! I’ve lived here for nearly 10 years, and I get lost. Of course, I get lost in my own house nearly every day… you know those “why did I get up and walk into this room for? Was I supposed to get something/do something/go somewhere?” The only upside to it is that I walk more, so I consider it exercise. I’m currently job hunting, while my husband is pressing me to apply for disability, and I’m having to analyze each prospective job, wondering if I can still do it. I’m not ready to quit yet, especially after being unemployed for the past year and trying to live on just my husband’s disability payments with a teenager still at home. Anyway, you hit the nail on the head with this post. Non-spoonies cannot wrap their heads around what it is like to live with a chronic illness and to what lengths we go just to make it through a day. I’m thinking of making a set of tee shirts, each with a number from 1 to 10, that I can wear so the people in my life can automatically know what number my pain level is on any particular day. I think it would save a few spoons by not having to verbalize to people who just don’t get it. All they need to know is that if the number is high, it would be wise to consider me armed and dangerous, and in no mood for BS. Keep writing, Steph. You make too many of us feel understood to quit.

  • Roxy S.

    I love this! Love, Love, Love the narco-skittles rain and the satan’s tic-tacs! I can so relate to the happiness at trying new pain meds and banging them on the wheel to get them open lmao! You are amazing!!

  • JewelsVN

    Thank you for the; “medicine”! Things only “Spoonie” could understand and laugh so hard while reading. Great way to end my evening after a pain filled, brain fog, frustrated, here we go again, weather change, too tired to think to find the brain I lost…where…kind of day!

  • Marie

    You are writing about me again?? 🙂 Another awesome piece that definitely is accurate about our crazy Lupus lives.

  • patty

    Loved it! and fully can relate.
    Especially driving and have brain fog at the same time.Wondering how u got here,where am I exactly?Am I stepping on the gas or brake pedal?Wow am I already here,i dont recall passing that?

  • ScooterSaurus

    You literally had me cackling… I love the bit about narco-skittles and I totally recognized myself in the brain fog comments. You are extremely talented and AWESOME!

  • Vicki Brown

    I can so identify with this. Especially the job part. Love the humor !

  • Tiger

    OMG. Well said.

  • SO you have been stalking me & writing down my every move! LOL That was so funny! I’m was like daddy (RIP) used ”2say laughing in one eye & crying out the other”! Ur beautiful gurl & ILY <3 P.S. I've got those same jammies! I was wondering where my snowman bottoms went & where the Elmo top came from 🙂

  • Heather

    Thanks for the laughs! I would have thought you were describing a day in my life, but I am a preschool teacher and at night I watch House and recognize my past diagnosises. Great piece!

  • Liesl

    Oh Stephanie! You are my daily dose of giggle juice!! I loved this soooo much!! Highlights included getting the muffin back into the cupcake liner (I’m right there at the moment. Excuse me while I break for a family-sized bag of maltesers…) and Danny Tanner-esque mopping frenzy! God I loved that show 😉
    Plus, I don’t have enough digits to count the no. of times I have driven and then forgotten where I’m going or how I planned to get there. Mostly distracted by things I have remembered in a lightbulb moment from days ago!
    Thank you. xxxx

  • Thanks for this hilarious – and sad – article. You are right, life of a Spoonie would make a great sitcom! As it’s not always fun to be sick, being able to laugh at the situations we are in helps a great deal.
    Keep up writing, Stephanie! You make your fellow Spoonies laugh and cry every time we read your work. I am sure that others like me, recognize themselves in what you write. I know that I feel less alone when I read your stories and it makes me feel better.
    And next time you are low on spoons… for Goodness Sakes… don’t vaccum 😉

  • Excellent, witty and TRUE piece! Thanks for making me laugh this morning. I needed that!

  • Carolyn

    McDreamy will forever be Can’t Buy Me Love – riding his lawnmower off under the sunset!

    Love getting a better understanding of your awesomeness in dealing w/ what you do on a daily basis! Great read Steph

  • Name

    This is a GREAT article. You’re hysterical!!! We gotta agree that if we don’t laugh, we’d never get out of bed. Ever!

    My list of ‘ologists seems to get bigger and bigger every week. It seems like I’m complaining all the time, but if anyone IRL understood what it’s like to get your head off that pillow is, they might have a glimpse into one aspect of someone who deals with chronic illness(es) on a daily basis.

    What do you think about duct-taping a 50 lb weight to their foreheads each morning and see how easy it is for THEM to get out of bed! Then we’ll move the weights to the legs so they can see that it’s so hard to keep up when they’re walking around the mall. We get them buzzed so their minds aren’t clear and have them walk around with needles sticking out of their bodies all day long. They’ll have to remember to take medications 4 times a day, with food, and wear a “fat” suit to represent the way the meds and illnesses, along with the near impossibilty to exercise and our slowed metabolism is so helpful in putting on the pounds, regardless how healthy we eat.

    Maybe there is the rare chance that they’ll get a small glimpse into our daily lives!

    This article is headed to my FB page for my friends to see!

  • This week in “Days of our Spoonie Lives”! Seriously call SoapNet! Thanks Steph for bringing some smiles among the pain <3

  • Hi Steph,
    I went to high school with your husband and we are facebook friends. I’m so glad he posted this link! Your writing is beautiful ! I laughed and I cried . I wish you and your family only the best, you seem like an amazing strong woman and mother and I’m inspired by your bravery.

  • Thanks you guys! A day in the life…crazy to everyone else…normal to us.

  • Yes!

    I play a game while I watch House by trying to figure things out by the symptoms they have.

    Me: “Kidney failure!”

    House team member: “Her kidneys are dead…”

    Me: “Score!”

    Roommate: *shakes head*


    Awesome article!

  • Tracy

    Oh my heavens!!! That was fabulous!!! A friend and I were just saying “you can’t make this stuff up” and then there you go writing about it proving us right!!! (PS, my parking spot is right outside the door, luckily.)

  • Michelle

    Hilarious!! Love it!!!

  • So lemme get this straight…last week you (or was it the week before…I have no idea what day it is) had us all choked up, balling our eyes out with what you wrote, and this week you have us crying because we are laughing so hard!? You are one talented, diverse writer, woman, Mrs. Kennedy!

    Why oh why did you have to post this today, of all days, when yesterday I was diagnosed with pericarditis AGAIN… My heart hurts when I breathe, let alone laugh so hard I cry! My hubby is playing video games on the xbox and his friends are asking him why I am in hysterics because they hear my shrieks of laughter through the kinect!

    Right, it’s NEVER LUPUS… Except on Fringe, where Walter Bishop can diagnose SLE due to a “malar rash” on a 20 year decomposed corpse… Which rendered it “impossible for her to be able to carry a child in that hostile environment” Ugh. The ignorance kills me. I love medical dramas for the same reason, I yell at the TV spitting out diagnosis that some MDs have never heard of, and I’m usually right. I think we spoonies need to get together with the writers of these shows and inform them of reality…or we could just write um ourselves!

    Anyway, great article, yet again. You just keep amazing us, one word at a time!

    Miranda Stein from NY (Facebook me!)

  • End your day with a High note – found your car. That’s great! I thought I was the only one that had days like that.

  • Rebecca

    Oh, Stephanie… freakin’ hilarious! That’s an average day for me… only people in the same boat can laugh about a day like that, non-spoonies would have given up before they even got to the “ologist”!

    Satan’s Tic Tacs. I love it. Hope you haven’t copyrighted that one, because I will definitely be using it!

    PS I totally understand the caffeine being non-negotiable thing. If another person tells me I drink too much Coke Zero, I may very well shove my morning’s dose of narcotics down their whinging throat and see how long THEY can be functional for! 😉

  • LOVED this!

  • Keith

    My wife is a Spoonie, and I love to make her laugh. As a present, I found a canvas artwork at Target, on clearance, that was shade of green that says “Laughter is the best medicine – Laugh!” Whenever things are looking down, we look at that artwork, someone cracks a joke, and we laugh.

  • Krista

    I laughed, I cried…I almost peed my pants. This might be the best yet. Thanks for sharing your friend’s (who only looks like you) story.

  • Courtland

    Ha…. All you need to do is chronicle your date night with Brady last night now. He was SO SO excited that he and Mommy went to dinner for the first time because Daddy and his sisters were out of town. You dug way deep into the spoon vault but it was SO worth it.

  • Spot on! I would love to share it but alas, no one in my world would “get” it. Love the term “snarkzilla”. Just waiting for Monday to see if I’ve been banned for my Friday nite fling at fame on the world wide web (actually my activities on line pre-date www but you had to be soooo polite AND use your real name). There are no other sites that I actually look forward to reading, keep up the good work.

  • Jas

    Ahh, this is brilliant – particularly the Grey’s Anatomy part.

  • Erin Talley

    WOW – I was tired just reading about your day! Great article, Stephanie! It is apparent you are touching and helping so many. Keep up the great work and fantabulistic writing!

  • Michelle

    OMG! I literally did LOL. You nailed it!!! All so true. Amazing article. Thank you!

  • Lisa Mitchell Bradshaw

    LMFAO! Thanks SO much for the laughs. It was indeed hysterical, yet sadly true! No two of us are the same, but ALL of us can relate! I am at this point disabled, so can’t work, but spend my days much like you…. trying to figure out what day it is, if I was supposed to take care of something, and if so, did I have enough energy to do it? Knees and body aching, begging for rest, yet know I have some stuff that HAS to be taken care of. So, I can definitely relate! Thanks again for the laughs!

  • Ivy

    Made me LOL while wiping away some tears! Loved it and LOVE LOVE LOVE your writing!

  • Ailsa Price

    Yippie, a funny one. I was afraid you were going all Nicholas Sparks on us. You know, really f’ing fantastic, but having a tendency to make readers boo hoo like a 13yo that’s just been dumped by her first kiss.
    A coworker was going home sick yesterday after coming down with a stomach virus just a day after missing two days of work because of strep. She said, “I just don’t see how anyone can be so unlucky!” Instead of laughing uncontrollably, I replied, “You’d be surprised.” I need to star in a Spoonie documentary

  • The times my hubby and I have asked ourselves whether we might ever hope for a “normal” week or two.
    Oh to get bored!! To have no drama, to have SURPLUS energy. What an odd concept.
    As for knowing all the medical jargon, I do that too. Nothing I can’t diagnose any more. Had most of ’em.
    Great piece.

  • Just might be one of the funniest pieces you have ever written Steph! (Or maybe I just know all to well the life of a spoonie sitcom and was laughing right along with you!) You def do not want to read my diary this week! LOL