“Sick Humor” You know you’re a Spoonie when….. *Facebook Fan Page Edition*


 Thank you to the butyoudontlooksick.com facebook fan page community for helping come up with some of these great 1- liners! If you do not know what a “spoonie” is, please take a moment to read “The Spoon Theory“.

“You know you’re a spoonie when going to PT and the grocery store in one day is too much!”

~Maureen McGowan


“You know you’re a spoonie when you have to count pills to see how many days you have until you have to go to the pharmacy.” “You know you’re a spoonie when you have a memory foam mattress pad and 2 memory foam body pillows to prop your body up in just the right position to minimize the pain zones.”

~Angie Hance


“You know you’re a “Spoonie” when your kids can tell when they should get lunchables for dinner because you’re too tired and sore to move!”

~Shelley Harmer


“You know you’re a spoonie when the soul is willing and the body isn’t… but you still look good!”

“You know you’re a Spoonie when you’re checking out at a deli and the owner of the place (whom you don’t know) says, “Honey, are you doing okay?” …because she can see the pain in your eyes and the way you walk.”

~Corie Schmitt Eckstrom


“You know you’re a Spoonie when your Christmas Wish list consists of one word: Hot Tub. (oh OK! two words!;))”

~Bonnie Covey


“You know you’re a Spoonie when…All your Christmas gifts are placed in Christmas bags w/tissue instead of wrapped, and you start a week before a Holiday, with cooking items, that can be made, frozen, and thawed for later use. Amen!”

~Karen Forsey-Zadora


“You know you’re a spoonie when your Christmas wish list is, tiger balm and pain meds.”

~Tracey Jones


“When its your 40th bday and all you want to do is stay in bed because you ache all over.”

~Kim Cameron


“You know you’re a Spoonie when your healthy friends want you to come out with them, they text you and ask “got spoons?”

~Tammie Lee


“You know you’re a Spoonie when an 18 month old can beat you up the stairs!”

~Anney Fare Nuval


“You know you’re a” SPOONIE” when you wake up in the morning to TAKE A NAP.”

~Vickie Foster


“You know you’re a spoonie when all your friends want to “snuggle” cuz you are hot allllll the time!”  “You know you’re a spoonie when you have to “pop” open the tampon wrapper! Cuz your fingers can’t open it!”

~Lynne Larson Bruner


“You know ur a spoonie when you’re the only one up in your house at three am, and thats including the dogs!”

~Jackie Ogden


“You know you are a spoonie when you clean Walmart out of its Epsom Salt supply!!!”

~Jamey Howey


“You know you are a spoonie when you clean Walmart out of its Epsom Salt supply!!!”

~Michelle Marolda-Parvana


“You know you are a Spoonie when even the ones in your silverware drawer are all used up and you have nothing to eat your ice cream with and are too tired to even care!”

~Lee Hamner


“You know you’re a spoonie when people look at you like you’re insane when they find out that you are housebound all winter and can never go to the grocery store because of the A/C and that you sleep when you can.”

~Faye Huskey


“You know you’re a spoonie when you have Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and have to resist the overwhelming urge to backhand anyone who tells you how tired they are.”

~Robin Thomas


“When you walk up and down stairs and someone asks, “whats that cracking noise?” and u say, “my ankles”

~Juliana Young-Tallington


“You know you’re a spoonie when you keep your miuth shut because you think you complain too much and your hubby complains more…sigh.”

~Mary Grondski


“You know you’re a spoonie when you have more Doctors in your cell phone than friends and family!! You know your a spoonie when you have more dr’s , Pt, tests, chiropractor, and accupunture appointments than family and friends events!!!”

~Darla Hall


“You know you’re a spoonie when you’d think nothing of getting on the bus and taking all your clothes off to your underwear :/”

~Beverly Stacey


“You know you’re a Spoonie when your friends, without a health challenge, know and USE the Spoon Theory themselves! ♥ :D”

~Payge O’Dunnowho


“You seriously ask your boss for a ‘nap time.’
You go to work feeling fantastic for the first time ever, and get told ‘gee, you don’t look well today.’

~Lizzie Spencer


“My spoonie friend told me to add this one: you know you’re a spoonie when your 85 year old father has to push you around in your wheelchair.”

~Zoann Murphy


“You know you are a spoonie when everything on your to-do list becomes your to-don’t list.” “You know you are a spoonie when you freak out when a co-worker comes to work sick and they don’t understand why you don’t want to be in the vicinity.”

~Janice Marcano Riedel


“‎1. You can no longer be bothered to find matching underwear.
2. These days your idea of hedonism is drinking the coffee your Dr told you to avoid.
3. You are too exhausted to live even vicariously.”

~Kate Hadden

“You know you’re a spoonie when the only friends you can still spend time with are online, because they don’t get offended when you can’t respond quickly to them because of brain fog.”

~Julie Cooper Bland


“When your stray hairs are considered a condiment. I lose hair frequently, so you never know where it might be found….including meals. (I know, EWWW)”

~Christi Kube


“You know you’re a spoonie when you’re just too tired to lift it to your mouth =/”

~Jane Lee


“You look for a place to sit everywhere you go!!”

~Mary Corinne Fruetel


“You know you’re a Spoonie when you can’t come up with an answer for this challenge!!”

~Kate Buster


“When you wake up and wonder whats going to hurt today!!”

~Jackie Plumley


“Not one person ever responded when I had it on my profile.”

~Corinna Morton


“When driving two hours each way to see a competent (maybe even amazing 🙂 specialist seems like nothing if it will reduce the number of sick days you take each year.”

~Fran Fogleman Irwin


“You know you’re a Spoonie when you’re just too tired to care.”

~Maria Hardy


“When you get out of bed, get dressed, and realize you need a nap.”

~Adam Johnson


“You know you’re a spoonie when you get a med student scratching their head at all your ailments and they go home and research because some of them they had never heard of. ;-)”

~Stacey Case


“You know you are a spoonie when you walk in the kitchen to go to the bathroom.”

~Debby Makarius


“Last year, you asked for an iPhone for Christmas. This year, you’re asking for blood tests and trigger point injections. And you’re more excited about finally getting those than you were about the iPhone.”

~Alison Holbach


“You know you’re a spoonie when you can hardly walk into the store and your 4 yr. old tells you that you need to ride one of the buggies! And people stare at you like ” you don’t look sick!!!!!”

~Linda Smothers


“You lose count of your spoons for the day!”

~Nadine Hanken


“You know you’re a spoonie when 1) your rhuemmy.. 2) asks you if you’re cooking holiday meals and if you are start taking your nsaids two days before and two days after. Just to survive the holiday.”

~Angel Jones


“‎When you regularly shave only one of your legs before running out of energy. Or dry only half your hair. Working that asymmetric look is a must for spoonies.”

~Clare Radford


“Todays offering – you know you’re a spoonie when – your doctor sends you a letter apologising for you missing an appointment with them and hoping your well !!! Oh and as a by-line could you just have these two blood tests done again cos we’re not happy with the results of the last ones !!!”

~Fran Wilkinson


“You know you are a spoonie when going to the hospital , er, and doctors offices like if it was a 9 to 5 job and they know more about you than even your loved ones.”

~Brenda Farfan


“You know you are a spoonie when you are out of spoons, but you are trying to find just one or two more in every crevice and cranny of the room.”

~Elizabeth Riggs


“You know you are a spoonie when you have to weigh every choice by how it will effect the rest of your day/week.”

~Janice Lamb Bradshaw


“You know you’re a spoonie when the highest priority item on your do list every day is a 2 hour nap…and after the nap you ponder if a 3-hour nap is over the top.”

~Joanne Thompkins


“You know you’re a spoonie when you realize that no one really “gets” you and what your life is like except another spoonie.”

~Terri Tremblett


“You know you’re a spoonie when you tell the doctor what meds to prescribe! And when you talk to someone about their health and they assume you must be a doctor!”

~Jim Collingridge


“You know you’re a spoonie when you want to explain it but you’re too tired.”

~Gators Nipper


“You know you’re a spoonie, when your family takes one look of your face in the morning and know it’s going to be a bad day.”

~Sandra Waite Woodbridge


“You know you’re a spoonie when you have to count your spoons each day!”

~Sue Houghton


“You know you’re a Spoonie when eating lunch exhausts you and you pass up eating certain foods because the process of getting them and and eating them is too spoon-consuming.”

~Cara Liebowitz


“You know you’re a cookie spoonie when you tried your hardest to look good and the first person you see at work asks if you are feeling ok.”

~Betty Burrier


“When you dont fall asleep till 5:30,then wake at noon, then need another nap at 3!”

~Kerri Martin Hedges


“You know you’re a spoonie when you get tired just reading responses and need a nap NOW.”

~Gillian Trumbull


“When reading everyone’s post is your fun for the day!!”

~Beverle Pasillas


“When you’re a mother of four who’s works full time and want to go to bed early on Friday so you have spoons left for Hershey park.:)”

~Zuleika Hernandez


“You know you are a spoonie when your significant others say “your rubbing off on me i have no energy and feel lazy” and you have to explain to them that fibromyalgia is not catchy and you want to stab them in the eye with a spork!”

~Vanessa Villaneuva Lopez


“You know you’re a spoonie when you run out of spoons but people look at you disapprovingly when you don’t get up to help with the dishes.”

~Maggie Spinale Vlazny


“You ask Santa Claus for a new immune system that only attacks FOREIGN cells and proteins.”

~Melissa Metivier


“You know you’re a spoonie when you have to ask people if they really want to be with you forever, because they have the CHOICE to live with Lupus and all other illnesses that go with it….and you don’t and sometimes you don’t understand why they would choose to live with it….just for you.”

~Kerrie Lyboult


“When you bend over to get a gallon of milk out of the fridge and the milk takes you down with it!”

~Pam Delaney Woolsey


“You know your a spoonie when being a sleep is the high light of your day.”

~Christina Dasher


“You actually don’t feel like shopping!”

~Leah Henry Shelly


“To use your spoon, you have to first take your medicine!!”

~Irene Kruszewski Bodle


“The housework was the last thing on my list of things to do!”

~Rose Glavas


“When a good day means you still have a couple spoons left after you get ready to go out and start your day.”

~Lisa Quick Kratko


“When someone tells you “how good you look” and it upsets you!”

~Bernadette Schaffner


“You know you’re a spoonie when you can’t leave the house without a little cooler full of water and snacks in case you run out of steam when you’re out running errands you can’t pass off to other people 🙂 I swear I feel like a 5 year old with my snacks!”

~Stephanie Laudisio Hansen


“You know you’re a spoonie when you feel like you`ve been hit by a Mack truck and your entire body is made outta pop rocks. Lovin my hubby so much 2day.. He put off his night out 2 stay home & take care of me.”

~Tammy J. Rose


“You know you’re a spoonie when you find yourself sharing this page with your significant other in hopes they will understand somehow what you are going through.”

~Natasha Pike


“When you have naptime shcedule in your agenda.”

~Genevieve Henry


“You ask other patients at the doctor’s office if they use spoons so you can relate to them.”

~Mindy Pederson Willert


“You know you’re a spoon when you don’t have the energy to type on the touch iPhone.”

~Christie Vickers


“You know you’re a spoonie when You can’t muster enough energy for a shower even after a cup of very strong coffee.”

~Leslie Hope


“You know you’re a spoonie when you hope to get family and friends to understand your illness and you realize that’s never going to happen after 12 years so you have the need wanting to help others now with the pain in their Hearts as well.”

~Gina Galpin


“When you make it to work and you’re too tired to get out of the car without resting for 20 minutes before going in!”

~Janis Kirby Wilbert


“You know you’re a spoonie when things you used to do for fun are now considered work.” “You know you’re a spoonie when wrapping a Christmas present is aerobic exercise for the day.”

~Jackie Harris Brown


“You know you’re a spoonie when your husband gives you 24 rose painted spoons in bouquet for your 30th birthday because you tell him on a daily basis his love is like a bouquet of spoons.”

~Roxanne Nichols Shockley


“You know you’re a spoonie when you have Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and have to resist the overwhelming urge to backhand anyone who tells you how tired they are.”

~Robin Thomas


“You know you’re a spoonie when the only friends you can still spend time with are online, because they don’t get offended when you can’t respond quickly to them because of brain fog.”

~Julie Cooper Bland


“When you wake up and wonder whats going to hurt today!!”

~Jackie Plumley


“You know you’re a spoonie when you get a med student scratching their head at all your ailments and they go home and research because some of them they had never heard of. ;-)”

~Stacey Case


“You know you are a spoonie when you see your doctor more then you see most family and friends.”

~Christine Miserandino


“You know you’re a Spoonie when, having the best intentions of doing something, you suddenly discover that someone has just stolen the spoons you saved for that something.”

~Mirja Eenmaa


“When it takes you 6 months to take down the holiday decorations (if you even tried to decorate)…when you use to take them down in one day,right after the holiday was over!”

~Charman Dooms


“You know you’re a spoonie when it takes 2 hours to give your medical history, and the medical professional keeps interjecting, “But you’re too young to have been through all this!”
~Melinda Qualtrough Anderson


“You know you’re a spoonie when your friends ask you do you have enough spoons to go tonight instead of do you want to grab some dinner.”

~Kristin Sloan-Parady


“You know you’re a spoonie when you see your Doctor more than you see some family and friends.”

~Kisha Fleet


“You know you’re a spoonie when the nurses at the hospital know you, know your kids names, and more about your life than most of your extended family.”

~Brooke Freeman-Pettigrew


“You know you’re a Spoonie when… you understand and can relate to every comment on this page but no-one a home gets it.”

~Sally Baker


“You know you’re a spoonie when you lay in bed in the morning and finally convince yourself you can get up and pack the kids lunches for school, because you have an exact time in mind that you’re going to have a long nap.”

~Amy Brechbiel Nofsinger


“You know you’re a Spoonie when…. zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz…. what was the question?”

~Mis Dee


“You know you’re a spoonie when you’re so swollen you know you need to add an additonal diuretic med but don’t because it would take too many spoons to keep getting up to go to the bathroom.”

~Rebecca Rene Hobbs


“You know you are a spoonie when on days where you actually get dressed, comb your hair, and put makeup on your kids say to you “Mommy you aren’t OLD anymore!!” ….and you are only 29.”

~Aaron Alanna Mlakar


“You know you’re a spoonie when…life has been passing you by, and you’re not in it!”

~Laura Maniscalco Innes


“You know you’re a spoonie when you realise you have had this illness since forever, you don’t just look ill, you are ill, and its been your make-up and lack of complaint that fools the world!”

~Shaz Dory Taylor


“When you’re sleeping, dreaming of stealing peoples spoons but still wake up with none.”

~Kimberly Soto


“When your Amazon wishlist only contains special socks, arthritis pens, and a paraffin bath.
Also when the above mentioned items really excite you and you can’t wait for Christmas or birthday.”

~Sarah Feltus


“When you know what a Spoonie is … and what one feels like.”

~Karen Campbell


“You know you’re a spoonie when everything I have read so far is all true and I keep hitting like and wondering what the heck else could I add, oops I forgot already I am a SPOONIE♥”

~Rosanne Pannone


“When you have to go somewhere n it takes 15 min to put socks n shoes on cause you have to take breaks.”

~Jenny Wilcox


“You know you’re a Spoonie when you’re cooking dinner and ask someone to hand you a spoon, and your child runs to get your pill bag.”

~Stephanie Kennedy


“When you are searching for shovels instead and it is only 10 am in the morning.”

~Karen Connors


“You know you’re a Spoonie when the kids yell from the kitchen that there are no spoons left in the cutlery drawer and you empathise with the drawer!”

~Sally Smith


“When you find yourself doing spoon math… i.e. the number of cups of coffee to get me through this day = the number of days that I will feel like crap afterward paying for it.”

~Sally O’Meara

“You know you’re a spoonie when: you have not only your doctors phone numbers memoirized, but the pharmacies, too!!!”

~Nova Conover


“This came to me within the last HOUR: “I realized I’m a Spoonie while (prior to leaving for the mall with a friend), I pulled a chair up to the kitchen counter to SIT while making a salad for lunch– to conserve energy so I wouldn’t be wiped out BEFORE I even left the house!!”

~Joy Johnson


“You know you’re a ‘”spoonie” when you prepare yourself for a special event or holiday by going to bed at 5 PM and sleeping through the next day, when in your “other life” you were a night owl!”

~Nikki Chouinarde


“You know you are a spoonie when you hear the term spoonie and you don’t think of a couple in bed.”

~Katherine Wilhite


“When your friends no longer ask ‘do you want to…’ and now ask ‘are you up to.”

~Trish Hughes Howard


“You know you’re a spoonie when take a shower, have to rest, get dressed and have to rest, fix your hair, rest , and then have to take a nap.”

~Barbara Lee-Babbs Byrd


“You know your a spoonie when you get 8 hours of sleep and wake up exhausted.”

~Katherine Ray


“You know you’re a spoonie when you waste spoons feeling angry about the spoons you’re wasting having to remind loved ones over and over that you’re low on spoons.”

~Marie Poling


“You know you’re a spoonie when you are 62 and your 78 year old sister has more get up and go than you do.”

~Cynthia J. Culbert


“You know you’re a spoonie when you would rather rest than go shoe shopping.”

~Louise Amos


“You know you’re a spoonie when people tell you that Fibromyalgia is all in your head and it could be worse and you want to throw something at them but you need to save your spoons for something that really matters, like walking away from them.”

~Mary Lou Bazinet Barrette


“You know your a spoonie when you get up in the morning counting your spoons thinking you have enough to take a shower, get dressed, and go see your family, only to realize after your shower that you only had enough to wash your hair and take a nap.”

~Cassandra Neal


“You know you’re a spoonie when the slightest touch upon your skin feels like mericless ice picks digging in.”

~Amanda Hollywood Glamorous


“You know you’re a Spoonie when you go to the grocery store on Tuesday and you don’t recover from it until Friday.”


*These are just a few of the entries we received. If yours wasn’t used this time… I am sure we will do this again!  Come join the over 23,000 butyoudontlooksick.com facebook fans!

Thank you to Stephanie for collecting these entries and helping us with some of this fun, community based posts.

  • victoriasheffield

    You know you’re a spoonie when you wake up, realize today is pajama day, eat, sit around doing nothing in a funk for three hours, and then take a nap….and you know even though you started today with no spoons, the pain will get much worse!

    Endometriosis flares are the worst.

  • Morgan

    You know you’re a spoonie when you get out of breath just sitting

  • George

    Or you find the medical/science mistakes in the show…because you know more than the writers do.

  • George

    You know you’re a Spoonie when your doctor’s entire staff knows you on first name basis, and they give you discounts (no med insurance -preconditions) AND they take payment when you can afford it. They also know you loose track of appointment times, that you lost your scripts once, that they meds make you act weird, that you know enough about the procedures and surgeries that you could do them yourself. Keep the Hope and Faith.
    Oh, and then you are giving medical advice to the ‘newbies’ in the waiting room….ha ha

  • drexes

    you know you’re a spoonie when your specialist cancels your appt, reschedules 4 months later, knows you’ve been fighting with the insurance for a year to give you the meds they prescribed, but has the balls to have a nurse call you to ask how the medication is working and if you’re doing well in general/on said medication and you struggle not to scream at her on the phone.

  • Fedoriarty Scott

    You know you and your partner are both Spoonies when you watch House reruns before bed at night and make a game of seeing how many of the medications you’re on (or were on) are mentioned as the series progresses. Just into the second season and we’re already at three.

  • Victoria Forrest

    you know your a spoonie when you gain 60 pounds on the devils tic tac’s (aka steroids) and someone congratulates you on your pregnancy but explaining would use up too many spoons so you just nod politely and say thank you.

  •  When you walk around the house kayparker all day just because it is warm  and feels good on your joints

     When you use Siri to type your comment

  • when your 17 and your going up and down stairs and someone asks “what’s that creaking” and you respond “That is my knees”  And in the middle of all this you experience a mini earthquake

     When you’re 17 in high school and using the school elevator and ramps

  • Tony Turtle

    You know you’re a spoonie when, you book Christmas Eve OFF so you have enough spoons to go out for Christmas Dinner in a restaurant!

  • Nec

    You know you’re a Spoonie when your pharmacist calls you to remind you it’s time for your refills.  You also know you’re a Spoonie when you walk into the pharmacy and everyone greets you by name like they did with Norm in Cheers!

  • You know you are a spoonie when you’re 55 yr old mother can play hopscotch and you have to sit out after attempting the first hop…and you’re only 26 yrs old~Amber Dover

  • Crystal

    You know you’re a spoonie when you are seriously considering looking for a mad scientist who is willing to experiment with full body transplants, and you would be getting a major upgrade getting the body of someone 30 years older.