Holiday Prep Tip: Shopping Early Saves Physical Effort & Money
One of the most difficult things for me about preparing Thanksgiving (and Christmas!) dinner is the extra huge list of grocery shopping I must accomplish. There are so many unusual ingredients (like fresh cranberries, for instance) that I must have on hand to do my traditional dishes.
The extra bags of groceries make for lots of extra work, from bringing them into the house to putting all the items away. Also, it is typically double the cost of my usual grocery trips!
I normally just sigh and deal with it. But having just had knee surgery two weeks ago and being on a walker, I have to think hard about how I will accomplish the holiday grocery shopping this year.
The idea occurred to me to write out the list of all the special items required and then split it into three sections – perishables like heavy cream and fresh veggies, indefinite storage boxed dry goods, and canned products.
What I will do then is to plan on three weekly trips to the store. On the first trip I will purchase all the indefinite storage dry goods, plus 1/3 of the canned products. On the second trip I will purchase the fresh veggies and any items that can be frozen (again, like fresh cranberries), plus another 1/3 of the canned products. On the third and final trip, I will purchase all the remaining fresh veggies and other perishables, the final 1/3 of the canned goods, and anything I had previously forgotten to put on my list!
Before the first trip I will scrounge through all my usual coupon websites and the Sunday newspaper coupon booklets and sort those in groups according to the grocery trip they belong with.
Hopefully with this plan I will save myself a lot of time, stress and fatigue – not to mention a little bit of cash!
Written by: Sheila Talley © 2008,
Robert Sloan