I Forgot
Oops, I forgot. For a few moments or what stretched out to a few hours, I thought I was living the life of a normal person. Who was I kidding though, forgetting that living with an auto-immune disease could ever really be normal? Thinking that I had some unlimited source of energy enough to tackle a huge kitchen project without consequences? Oops on my part, indeed.
I forgot that I don’t have unlimited spoons but have a set number of them each day, each hour, each minute. Nearly forgot what it is like not to have to watch everything I do for a few hours and just do what other people around me do on an everyday basis. To be able to feel good without any fatigue or joint pain and enjoy whatever comes my way. To be able to look at what others do around me and actually say, I can do that, too without feeling that pang of jealousy that inevitably comes watching from the sidelines.
I forgot about all the side effects from my various medications: the hair loss, headaches. Forgot about yet another upcoming joint surgery or how puffy my face is getting thanks to the steroids. Forgot about how much easier it is to play down how I’m really feeling to people knowing most don’t really want to know. Who can blame them, really? I would like to forget as well.
I kind of feel my body cheated me by saying, “Here’s a taste of normal,” and then pulls back, says, “oops, just kidding!” you aren’t normal and never will be again. So just for a moment, I forgot that I was living with an auto-immune disease that will never go away.
Maybe it was for the best that I forgot though — as crazy as it sounds. Maybe, just maybe, my body and mind needed to forget briefly so I could recharge and start again. To be ready to face the challenges and forge ahead, adapting to whatever this disease throws my way. If that is the case, I hope I “forget” again soon, because however short, it was nice.
Article written by staff writer, Christina Stevens
Christina is married with 3 young children while managing moderate to severe Rheumatoid Arthritis. While technically a stay at home mom, she volunteers as instructor chair for a weekend event with Women in the Outdoors, an amateur radio operator and writer. You can find her on twitter at @ss_sunset or on Facebook at @ss_sunset
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