New Video: Christine Miserandino reads ‘The Spoon Theory’


You guys have been asking for this for a LONG time.

This is me reading “The spoon theory” live at a Lupus Symposium. This video is from the speaking appearance at the Piedmont, NC LFA on September 11, 2010. Thank you to them for having me, and to Stealth Awareness for making the video.

Please feel free to comment, share and subscribe on youtube; as well as share the video on facebook, twitter your blog or elsewhere.

I am honored to share it, I hope you enjoy it!


  • jeepwonder

    I am working on a manuscript for probable publication on Chronic Fatigue and Fibromyalgia. The people I’ve interviewed mentioned the spoon theory and how much it helped them explain their condition to friends/co-workers. With proper attribution do you allow use in certain situations?

  • scott savarese

    ThAnk you so much for explaining what I never could. You just gave me a few extra spoons to help fight this Chiari Monster.

  • Angelia Sherertz

    Thank you so much, as this explains what many go through who suffer from PHPT (Primary Hyperparathyroidism), in having elevated Calcium, & Parathyroid hormone levels.

    Those with parathyroid disease, and it’s often debilitating symptoms & signs, have discovered it is often mistakenly diagnosed as “Fibromyalgia” or “Chronic Fatigue Syndrome”.

    Thank you very much for giving voice to how we feel on the inside.

  • This video means a lot to me. I sit here with the skin on my wrists, hands, and most
    everywhere burning up; it is tight and feels like I am being strangled from the
    inside out. I’ve had steroid injections into my spine (L1-L5); my spinal
    problems also cause incredible pain. I’m a writer and don’t want to be foggy on
    the brain because of pain meds. At the same time, I don’t want to suffer. I
    don’t have lupus but rheumatoid arthritis, fibromyalgia, osteoarthritis, and a
    severe narrowing of a few discs in my back. Shall we add depression to the
    menu? Anyway, with that explained, thank you, Christine Miserandino for this
    video. I live my life exactly this way. Seeing it explained will help me help my
    friends understand the unending juggling act.

  • DesolateMom

    It isn’t just good for explaining my life to others, it helps to alleviate my own guilt when I run out of spoons. My daughter, who has Ehlers Danlos, POTS and Fibro & I talk about our “spoons”. When she comes to stay a few days and lets me pamper her, she knows I have taken my spoons into account and know I am probably borrowing against several days worth of spoons. She knows I do it happily and give myself permission to rest once she has gone home. 🙂

  • Holly

    I have been in love with this theory since I found out about it. I don’t have Lupus but I do have Multiple Sclerosis and this describes me and my fight perfectly. In March I actually got a beautiful antique spoon tattoo on my lower arm so I could explain this theory to everyone that asks. . . NOW, If I could just learn how to explain it quicker and better in quick moments 🙂 Thank you so much <3

  • Tina

    Thank you, you blessed me. I’m praying God will bless you with extra spoonage.

  • Micmac66

    you absolutely nailed it!

  • Ktreichenbach

    Wonderful analogy!

  • Michael Garmon

    Hello Jay, your last statement expressed it all so very well. Certainly, having a chronic disease — particularly so one in which pain, discomfort, and debilitation are very significant — does indeed make one very, very lonely.

    I completed my doctoral degree in 2004, and at 44 years of age — physically active, successful, and my career in overdrive — I simply never could have imagined what lay just ahead of me. My life came to a fairly abrupt halt just around the time I developed leg weakness and pain. I was diagnosed with Primary Lateral Sclerosis – an upper motor neuron disease) in 2010, this after having had a major lumbar fusion two years prior (I now have increasing myelopathic complications as well – lumbar and neck). I’m thankful that I am able to work from home, so that I’m at least feeling (somewhat) productive.

    I long for the days when I was well — for those times when wellness was not a consideration of mine at all, when I took my good health for granted (parenthetically, to take one’s health for granted is not a selfish act, but it is instead a natural tendency, I think. Christine’s friend lacked understanding and insight not because of any kind of willful misdirection — but because she has the tendency — just as all human beings do — not to contemplate illness until they have become sick). Suffice it to say that I begin many of my days with far too few spoons.

    Christine, your theory is truly remarkable; you’ve captured so very well all that – as much as I try! – I have never been capable of expressing effectively. Thank you for sharing such a truly insightful and (powerful) metaphor.

  • Opal Cintron Heese

    I have to say thank you for your wise thoughts on how to explain what it is like to be chronically ill. I always stress thinking my friends will take it personally when I am unable to join them for an outing or when I hafta change my plans at the last minute all because I too have “limited spoons” due to chronic illness and pain. I am so happy that you posted this video. I am unable to read much anymore. Just one of the many things I, personally, have had to give up. It was a real pleasure listening to you tell your story. I will share this with friends and family who also suffer chronic illness and even those that I am just not sure how to explain what my life is like. 🙂

  • L Vermeulen

    This is the first time I have heard the spoon theory. I have seen the spoons but never what they were about. I cried I still am crying. I let my husband watch the video, and saw he realized how I struggle, how hard some days are. I have felt so alone and judged by those around me for so long, now I have a way to explain. Thank you.

  • L Vermeulen

    It’s the first time I’ve heard what the spoon theory is about. I cried, now I can explain. Until now I’ve felt so very alone. Thank you.

  • leslie

    Thank you so much..We will incorporate this into my 10 yr old daughters presentation to her class about her JRA.
    You are awesome.

  • Jay Sharp

    I taught for 35 years mostly 5th grade and love it but two years was given no choice but to retire after coming down with Sjogren’s. I had had CFS for 13 years before this and wish I would have paid more attention to the spoons before this new onset. Now that choice has been taken away and I live with very few spoons each day. This should be published into a children’s book ( and adult) and discussed in classrooms. Slowing down is so key even it it just instills the practice of appreciating things more. I am constantly struck by how few (if any) males I see on any of these sights. Thanks for your story. I need to send it to my friends even tho most of them truly understand.

    A lonely man.