We have reached OVER 135,000 likes on our facebook page! Come join our #spoonie community!




WHoooo HHhhoooo!!!  Do a happy Dance!

We have reached OVER 135,000 fans/ likes

on our ButYouDontLookSick.com facebook fanpage!

Thank you to all our readers, friends, and “spoonies”

for making every part of our online community as supportive as it is.

You guys are amazing! If you haven’t “liked” us yet on facebook come on down!  Post, say hello, like stuff, share stuff, join the family.

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purple spoon

  • Mary Slagle

    I just started into my first flare. I just came home from my doctors appointment where she shared your spoon theory. It really does make Lupus more explainable. When we don’t look sick on the outside lots of people can’t understand what is going on in the inside and why we feel like sitting during worship. Thank you again. I need to share it with my family.

  • Bodyhealth Dotbiz

    Whoa!!!that’s awsome.
    love to comment on several posts.