Official “I am a Spoonie” Photo Contest!!


UPDATE: You may continue to upload photos to our gallery, however photos uploaded after August 25th, 1:00am EST will not be considered eligible for contest prize consideration.  Photos uploaded after August 25th may still be featured on our site, or included in any future media related to this contest or (slideshows, photo montage, video segments, etc). Thank you for your support!

Are you a “Spoonie”?

Do you love a “Spoonie”?

This photo contest is to celebrate ‘s 7 year anniversary!  We are offering several prizes (listed below), and we are excited to see just how creative our readers can be! It will will also being interesting to see how far and wide “the spoon theory” has reached!

The contest is simple. Please take a photo of yourself holding a sign, or somehow stating “I am a Spoonie!” Write it on a poster, on your t shirt, on a napkin… whatever. As long as it is you and says “I am a Spoonie!” and has you in the picture. We want to show that we are people behind the pain. Do not worry about being perfect, or being all “pretty” for a picture – we want you just as you are. Feel free to add your name, your diagnosis, or anything else you want.

We will award prizes in 7 different categories to celebrate our 7 year anniversary! Prizes will include t-shirts, hats, and other select “spoon gear” from our new online store which will launch at the end of this month!

Contest starts 8/10 and ends midnight EST 8/24, so you have 2 weeks to submit your photo!

Winners will be announced here on by 8/27

1. 3 random winners (so do not worry if you are not a professional photographer!)

2. Most Creative (Go for it!)

3. Spoonie from furthest from Long Island, NY (include proof of where you live in the picture – landmarks, border signs, etc.)

4. Celebrity Spoonie Sightings (one prize will be awarded to a person who submits a photo that includes a celebrity or person of distinction supporting the “be a Spoonie” contest – either with, or without you in the photo as well)

5. Most Actual Spoons in Your Picture

6. Largest Spoon in Your Picture.

7. Most “Spoonies” in 1 picture (each member of the winning group will receive a beautil pewter spoon pin!)

All photos will be published and featured in our Spoonie Gallery. Photos uploaded MUST have a name and state/ country in the subject to be eligible for the contest. You may enter more then once, as long as photos are different in theme. See my example of a quick photo while writing this in the gallery below.

Click the Add Your Photo link above to upload your photo and add it to the gallery/slideshow. Your photo can be any size (JPG, PNG, or GIF files please), but must not exceed 2mb in size.  (If you have trouble uploading a picture try to resize it to something less then 640×480)

All uploads become property of and are subject to moderation prior to inclusion in the gallery. Please do not upload your photo more than once – if your photo has not been approved in 24 hours, please contact us. We appreciate your patience. All photos must be “family friendly”. reserves the right to edit, reproduce, replace, or remove any photo uploaded to the gallery at any time without prior warning or notice. By uploading your photo, you acknowledge that your photo will be publicly available on the internet, and agree to the terms outlined above. Please note that all decisions made by the staff are final.

If you have any questions about the contest, or if you or your organization would like to sponsor a future contest, please do not hesitate to contact us.

  • Joyce Johnson

    This is my Spoonie picture – Every other time I have tried to post it, the link has said that it no longer exists. I have emailed & also commented on the fb page. If this is not the correct place for my submission, please let me know, as I am MOST DEFINITELY a spoonie & would love nothing more than to be included in the contest.

  • Michelle Hooper

    I have to agree with with Sacredjinx…we are all winners!! That being said…is there a new link for new spoon wear that we can purchase?

  • Sacredjinx

    I’ve pretty much given up hoping for a winner in this contest. But by the looks of the video Christine made, we are all winners in her heart…

  • curious spoonie

    we all understand what happens when our spoons are in low supply, but i would still like to know when winners will be announced… would love to know who gets to get the cool spoonie gear. thanks and please keep us up to date. on sept. 1 u said they would be published by 4 pm EST wed. still no posting of winners. hope all is well and look forward to seeing the winners.

  • While I’ve not heard who the winners of the contest are…the video put together has quite a lot of them on there. Check it out at

  • Kelly

    I was also hoping to know about the winners? Hope all is well : /

  • curious spoonie

    has there been any new updates of winners? just curious. I know how life goes as a fellow spoonie, but would like to know. thanks

  • Vik

    It’s more than a month past when you said winners would be announced. I’m sorry that you’ve had so few spoons for this long. I know these speaking gigs are taking it out of you extra.


  • Sacredjinx

    I wish we could comment on the photos. There’s so many I want to say something to! So many creative minds. Be it cute, insightful, thoughtful, endearing, silly, or artistic. I was blown away to see so many spoonies express themselves in a remarkable way!

  • Sacredjinx


  • Really wish the doctors who treat these diseases understood Bruce’s comment. For one day, I wish they would. The shuffling of their schedules or cancellation of something they really wanted to do or get accomplished, but their bodies could not withstand would probably throw them into a fit . I wonder if they and the rest of the world could cope?? Thank you Christine for using your spoons to spread awareness about this disease.

  • C’mon everyone. When a spoonie sets a date to do something, do you REALLY think it will happen on that date? 🙂 Brains may set schedules but bodies do not abide. Christine just got back from giving a presentation and educating people on these dideases. It will take a while to get spoons back. I would rather have her doing that and spreading the word than judging a photo contest. But like you…I still want to see who wins 🙂

  • I think maybe my comment about waiting another week was misunderstood because it wasn’t approved… we totally understand delays at this house. You will notice that my blog is long days between updates. Spoon loss issues are no mystery to us! Don’t push yourself!! *hugs*

  • Sarah

    hi fellow spoonies. just seein how everyone is and checkin to see any results. i actually had an extra spoon to spare today, cant wait to see who wins what. had a great time with my daughter. she is five and helps me a lot especially now when i let her know my spoons are in short supply on the “bad” days. i think it is great she understands the spoon theory as well as (if not better) than most adults. Peace out fellow spoonies and may we all have spoon deliveries in our dreams. 🙂

  • Steve

    Hi Christine. Hope you’re doing a bit better.

    Any update on the results?

  • Christine, sorry to hear your not feeling well. Wish I could send some spoons your way via mail or UPS . Hope you are feeling better. Jennifer

  • Due to spoon loss related issues, we had to delay publishing of the winners. It will be published by 4pm EST Wed.

  • Denise

    does anyone know who won?

  • Denise

    hey fellow spoonies does anyone know who won the contest?? still waiting

  • Leo

    Any idea when you’ll announce winners? I see this has been asked by others but could you just let us know? I wouldn’t mind waiting indefinitely if notifications would be sent but we have to keep checking and checking and…………